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www.salvatorreyazzieart.com 2022-09-15 08:08 翻譯公司


The system of people's congresses, an organizational form of political power compatible with the governing system of the people's democratic dictatorship, is China's fundamental political system, and the ultimate approach and optimal solution to guaranteeing the people's status as masters of the country.


The people exercise state power effectively through people's congresses.


The system of people's congresses has provided institutional guarantee for the CPC to lead the people in effectively running the country.


The system of people's congresses is the optimal choice, in accord with China's national conditions and realities. It embodies the socialist nature of the state and guarantees the people's principal position and nation


The Governing Structure of the System of People's Congressesnal rejuvenation.


The System of Multiparty Cooperation and Political Consultation Under CPC Leadership


Long-term coexistence, mutual oversight, sincerity, and sharing the rough times and the smooth


forums, talks, and written and other forms of consultation


The system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC is an extensive and reliable means of representing and fulfilling the interests of the maximum number of people of all ethnic groups and social sectors. It avoids the drawbacks of the old political party system that stood for only a small number of people and interest groups. It unites all political parties and the non-affiliates towards a common goal, effectively mitigating the risks of inadequate oversight in one-party rule, and the problems of continual transfers of governing parties and destructive competition in multiparty political systems. Through standardized institutional procedures and arrangements, it pools ideas and suggestions to ensure informed and democratic decision-making. It avoids the weakness of Western-style political party systems: When making decisions and exercising governance, political parties act in their own interests or the interests of the classes, regions and groups they represent, provoking division in society.


Broad Patriotic United Front


The united front is an important structure through which the CPC earns popular support and pools strengths.


In practicing people's democracy, the Party has always placed the united front in an important position, striving to achieve great unity and solidarity and balance commonality and diversity. The Party has made coordinated efforts to unite the other political parties, the non-affiliates, intellectuals who are not CPC members, members of ethnic minorities and religious groups, people working in non-public sectors, people belonging to new social groups, compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and overseas Chinese and returned Chinese nationals. It has combined all the forces that can be united and mobilized all positive factors to build a broad consensus, expand common ground, and achieve convergence of interests. In order to pool the wisdom and strength of the Chinese nation to the full, it has systematically promoted harmonious relations between political parties, between ethnic groups, between religions, between social groups and between Chinese people at home and overseas.


The System of Regional Ethnic Autonomy


The system of regional ethnic autonomy means that areas with large ethnic minority populations can practice regional autonomy, establish autonomous organs, and exercise the power of self-government under the unified leadership of the state.


Territorial integrity and national unification are preconditions and foundations for regional ethnic autonomy, which combines unification with autonomy and ethnic factors with regional factors, and are thoroughly suited to China's realities.

實(shí)行民族區(qū)域自治,從制度和政策層面保障了少數(shù)民族公民享有平等自由權(quán)利 以及經(jīng)濟(jì)、社會(huì)、文化權(quán)利。

Regional ethnic autonomy provides institutional and policy guarantees to ensure that ethnic minority citizens enjoy rights to equality and freedom, and to economic, social and cultural services.


The system of regional ethnic autonomy has greatly increased the sense of pride and responsibility of people of all ethnic groups and stimulated their enthusiasm, initiative and

creativity in jointly steering the course to a bright future.


The System of Community-Level Self-Governance


China applies a system of community-level self-governance represented by villagers autonomy, urban residents autonomy, and employees congresses. Under the leadership and support of community-level Party organizations, local residents directly exercise the democratic right to manage their own affairs by serving the community, undertaking self-education, and exercising public scrutiny. This effectively ensures that the people's rights are genuinely respected.


residents councils, residents workshops, democratic discussions and hearings, courtyard discussions, neighborhood meetings, offline roundtables and online group chats


a grassroots governance system


Concrete and Pragmatic Practices


China's whole-process people's democracy is a combination of electoral democracy and consultative democracy, and is applied through a combination of elections, consultations, decision-making, management and oversight. It covers the economic, political, cultural, social, eco-environmental and other fields, with a focus on national development, social governance and people's lives.


Democratic Election


China's democratic elections are adapted to the country's national conditions and stage of socio-economic development.


Democratic Consultation


Whenever a problem occurs, those concerned should always hold deliberations in good faith. Matters involving many people are discussed by all those involved; to reach the greatest common ground based on the wishes and needs of the whole of society is the essence of people's democracy.


Democratic consultation derives from the best of traditional Chinese culture, including such ideas as aspiring for the common good, mutual understanding and inclusiveness, and seeking common ground while setting aside differences.


proposals, conferences, discussions, seminars, hearings, assessments, consultations, the internet, and opinion polls


consultations carried out by political parties, people's congresses, government departments, CPPCC committees, people's organizations, social organizations, and communities


Democratic Decision-Making


In China, the standard practice is to hear people's voices, act on their needs, and pool their ideas and strength. More and more ideas and suggestions of the general public are flowing directly to decision-makers at all levels, and they are increasingly reflected in the major decisions of the Party and the government.


open-door legislation by the NPC


transparent decision-making by the government


grassroots decision-making


Democratic Management


In China, the people manage their own affairs.


They are the masters of the country and exercise their democratic rights accordingly, managing affairs of the state, the economy, culture, and society through various channels and in many forms.


participation in the management of political and social life


democratic management of urban and rural communities


democratic management of enterprises and public institutions


democratic management of social organizations

