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www.salvatorreyazzieart.com 2021-04-08 11:57 上海翻譯公司


New advances will be made in ecological conservation, and territorial space will be under better development and protection.


The ecological environment will be further improved, eco-security shields will become more solid, and the living environment in urban and rural areas significantly improved.


The performance of governance system will be further improved. Socialist democracy and rule of law will be further improved, social fairness and justice will be further enhanced, so will the system of government administration. The government will better exercise its functions, and its performance and credibility will be significantly raised. Social governance, especially at the primary and community level, will be notably enhanced. The institutions and mechanisms for preventing and defusing major risks will be further strengthened. The capacity for responding to public emergencies and preparedness against natural disasters will be markedly improved. Stronger efforts will be made to ensure security in pursuing development. Major advances will be made in modernizing national defense and the armed forces.


We should take innovation as the core of our efforts to pursue China’s modernization, and develop science and technology through self-reliance to provide strategic underpinning for China’s development. We should set sight on the frontiers of global science and technology and focus on economic development, the country’s major needs and people’s health in implementing the strategy of invigorating China through science and education, the strategy of developing a quality workforce, and the innovation-driven development strategy. Doing so will enable us to improve China’s innovation system and build China’s strength in science and technology.


We must take energizing the real economy as the focus of our efforts to grow the economy. We should endeavor to build China into a manufacturer of quality, build its strength in product quality, cyberspace and build a digital China.

堅持?jǐn)U大內(nèi)需這個戰(zhàn)略基點,加快培育完整內(nèi)需體系,把實施擴大內(nèi)需戰(zhàn)略同深化 供給側(cè)結(jié)構(gòu)性改革有機結(jié)合起來,以創(chuàng)新驅(qū)動、高質(zhì)量供給引領(lǐng)和創(chuàng)造新需求。

We should continue to expand domestic demand as a strategic goal, accelerate the building of a complete system of domestic demand, and both implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand and deepen supply-side structural reform. We should foster new demand through pursuing innovation-driven development and ensuring high-quality supply.




We should deepen reform across the board and build a high-standard socialist market economy. We should continue to practice and improve China’s basic socialist economic system, see that the market plays the decisive role in resource allocation and that the government plays its role better, thus giving full play to the role of both a well functioning market and an effective government.


We should prioritize the development of agriculture and rural areas and pursue rural vitalization. Addressing issues relating to agriculture, rural areas, and rural people is number one priority for the Party. We will pursue socialist rural vitalization with distinctive Chinese features, fully implement the rural vitalization strategy and see that the industry gives full support to agriculture and that urban areas help spur rural development. This will create a new type of industry-agriculture and urban- rural relationship under which industry and agriculture as well as urban and rural areas reinforce each other and achieve coordinated development and common prosperity, thus speeding up the modernization of agriculture and rural areas. We should ensure China’s food security, improve the quality, performance and competitiveness of agriculture, upgrade rural infrastructure, deepen rural reforms and boost rural revitalization with the achievements of poverty alleviation.


We should promote the development of cultural programs and the cultural sector and enhance our country’s cultural soft power. We must uphold Marxism as a guiding theory, strengthen our confidence in the socialist culture with distinctive Chinese features, guide our work in the cultural sector with core socialist values, and promote socialist cultural-ethical standards. We should stay true to our mission, inspire the people, bring up the next generation, develop socialist culture and enhance international communication. This will enable us to meet people’s cultural needs, strengthen their cultural confidence and develop a great socialist culture in China.


We should prioritize resource conservation and environmental protection, let nature restore itself and make sure that the red line of ecological security is not crossed.


We should accelerate green and low-carbon development, promote sustained improvement in environment, enhance the quality and stability of ecosystems, and ensure efficient resources exploitation.


We should improve the quality of people’s lives and strengthen capacity for social development. The ultimate goal of development is to meet, protect and enhance the fundamental interests of all our people. We should improve the system of basic public services as our ability permits and build a system of social governance based on collaboration, participation, and common interests. We will take solid steps to ensure common prosperity for everyone, see that all our people have a greater sense of fulfillment, happiness and security, and promote well-rounded human development and all-round social advancement.


We should take an overarching approach to national security, implement our national security strategy, safeguard and shape national security, and make a coordinated response to both traditional and nontraditional threats. Security should underpin all areas and the whole process of China’s development. We should forestall and defuse risks to China’s modernization and build a strong line of defense of national security.

實現(xiàn)十四五”規(guī)劃和二三五年遠景目標(biāo),必須堅持黨的全面領(lǐng)導(dǎo),充分調(diào)動一 切積極因素,廣泛團結(jié)一切可以團結(jié)的力量,形成推動發(fā)展的強大合力。要加強黨中央集中統(tǒng)一領(lǐng)導(dǎo),推進社會主義政治建設(shè),健全規(guī)劃制定和落實機制。

To deliver on the 14th Five-Year Plan and the Long-Term Goals for 2035, we must exercise overall Party leadership and create a powerful force driving development by motivating all stakeholders and unite all the forces that can be united. We should strengthen the Party Central Committee’s overall leadership, promote socialist political advancement, and improve mechanisms for formulating and implementing the 14th Five-Year Plan.

