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www.salvatorreyazzieart.com 2020-08-08 12:08 翻譯公司


Central Leading Group for Novel Coronavirus Prevention and Control

2.中央指導(dǎo)組 Central Steering Group

3.督導(dǎo)組 inspection team

4.聯(lián)絡(luò)組 inter-departmental contact group

5.國(guó)務(wù)院聯(lián)防聯(lián)控機(jī)制 The Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism of the State Council

6.中央全面依法治國(guó)委員會(huì) Commission for Law-based Governance under the CPC

7.中央網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全和信息化委員會(huì)Central Cyberspace Affairs Commission

8.中央全面深化改革委員會(huì) Commission for Further Reform under the CPC Central Committee

9.中央外事工作委員會(huì) Commission for Foreign Affairs under the CPC Central Committee

10.國(guó)家衛(wèi)生健康委 National Heather Commission (NHC)

11.衛(wèi)健委專家評(píng)估組 an expert evaluation team from the National Health Commission

12.中國(guó)疾控中心 Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (China CDC)

13.中國(guó)-世衛(wèi)組織聯(lián)合專家考察組WHO-China Joint Mission on Covid-19

14.中國(guó)醫(yī)學(xué)科學(xué)院 Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS)

15.中國(guó)醫(yī)學(xué)科學(xué)院醫(yī)學(xué)生物學(xué)研究所Institute of Medical Biotechnology IMB, Academy of Medical Sciences

16.國(guó)家生物信息中心 China National Center for Bioinformation (CNCB)

17.國(guó)家微生物科學(xué)數(shù)據(jù)中心National Microbiology Data Center

18.國(guó)家藥監(jiān)局 National Medical Products Administration

19.國(guó)家中醫(yī)藥管理局 National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine

20.全國(guó)工商聯(lián) All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce

21.中國(guó)科協(xié)中國(guó)科學(xué)技術(shù)協(xié)會(huì)China Association for Science and Technology

22.中華醫(yī)學(xué)會(huì) Chinese Medical Association

23.國(guó)豕公共衛(wèi)生應(yīng)急管理體系 China’s public health emergency management system

24.國(guó)務(wù)院復(fù)工復(fù)產(chǎn)推進(jìn)工作機(jī)制mechanism for promoting the return to work

25.應(yīng)急指揮機(jī)制 emergency command mechanisms

26.北京協(xié)和醫(yī)院 Peking Union Medical College Hospital

27.武漢協(xié)和醫(yī)院(華中科技大學(xué)同濟(jì)醫(yī)學(xué)院附屬協(xié)和醫(yī)院Union Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology

28.湖北省中西醫(yī)結(jié)合醫(yī)院 Hubei Provincial Hospital of Integrated Chinese and Western Medicine

29.武漢市金銀潭醫(yī)院 Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital

30.世界中醫(yī)藥學(xué)會(huì)聯(lián)合會(huì) World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies

31.世界針灸學(xué)會(huì)聯(lián)合會(huì) World Federation of Acupunture-Moxibustion Societies

32.流行病防范創(chuàng)新聯(lián)盟 Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness and Innovation (CEP1)

33.全球疫苗免疫聯(lián)盟 Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI)

34.國(guó)際科學(xué)組織聯(lián)盟 Alliance of International Science Organizations

35.上海合作組織 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)

36.上合組織睦鄰友好合作委員會(huì) SCO Committee on Good-NeighborlinessFriendship and Cooperation

37.亞太經(jīng)合組織 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)

38.國(guó)際貨幣基金組織 International Monetary Fund (IMF)

39.亞洲基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施投資銀行 Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)

40.金磚國(guó)家新開(kāi)發(fā)銀行 BRICS New Development Bank (NDB)

41.世界銀行World Bank

42.亞洲開(kāi)發(fā)銀行 Asian Development Bank (ADB)

43.東盟 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)

44.歐盟 European Union (EU)

45.非盟 African Union (AU)

46.中科院武漢病毒研究所 the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)

47.加共體(加勒比共同體)Caribbean Community (CAR1COM)

48.中國(guó)科學(xué)技術(shù)協(xié)會(huì) China Association for Science and Technology

49.中華醫(yī)學(xué)會(huì) Chinese Medical Association

50.中國(guó)-世界衛(wèi)生組織新型冠狀病毒肺炎聯(lián)合考察組WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)


1.《關(guān)于加強(qiáng)黨的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)、為打贏疫情防控阻擊戰(zhàn)提供堅(jiān)強(qiáng)政治保證的通知》Notice on Strengthening Party Leadership to Provide Firm Political Support for Winning the Battle against Novel Coronavirus

2.《關(guān)于做好不明原因肺炎救治工作的緊急通知》Urgent Notice on Treatment of Patients with Pneumonia of Unknown Cause

3.《中華人民共和國(guó)傳染病防治法》Law of the People’s Republic of China on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases

4.《中華人民共和國(guó)國(guó)境衛(wèi)生檢疫法Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People’s Republic of China

5.《關(guān)于當(dāng)前我市肺炎疫情的情況通報(bào)Information Circular on the Pneumonia Cases in Wuhan

6.《不明原因的病毒性肺炎防控三早方案Guidelines on Early Detection, Diagnosis and Quarantine for Prevention and Control of Viral Pneumonia of Unknown Cause

7.《武漢市衛(wèi)生健康委員會(huì)關(guān)于不明原因的病毒性肺炎情況通報(bào)Wuhan City Health Commission’s Circular on Viral Pneumonia of Unknown Cause

8.《不明原因的病毒性肺炎診療方案(試行)》Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol of Viral Pneumonia of Unknown Cause (for trial)

9.《不明原因的病毒性肺炎醫(yī)療救治工作手冊(cè)Treatment Manual for Viral Pneumonia of Unknown Cause

10.《新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎診療方案》    Diagnosis and Treatment Protocol for Novel

Coronavirus Pneumonia/Covid-19 ( Trial Version X )

11.《新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎防控方案》(第XProtocol on Prevention and Control of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia/Covid-19 ( Edition X )

12.《關(guān)于嚴(yán)格預(yù)防通過(guò)交通工具傳播新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎的通知Notice on Preventing the Transmission of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia via Means of Transport

13.《新型冠狀病毒感染的肺炎重癥患者集中救治方案Guidelines on Treating Novel Coronavirus Patients with Severe Symptoms in Designated Hospitals

14.《關(guān)于科學(xué)防治精準(zhǔn)施策分區(qū)分級(jí)做好新冠肺炎疫情防控工作的指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn)Guidelines on Taking Science-based,Targeted,Region-specific, and Tiered Measures for COVID-19 Prevention and Control

15.《關(guān)于進(jìn)一步落實(shí)分區(qū)分級(jí)差異化防控策略的通知Notice on Furthering Differentiated, Region-Specific and Tiered Prevention and Control Measures

16.《關(guān)于應(yīng)對(duì)新冠肺炎疫情影響強(qiáng)化穩(wěn)就業(yè)舉措的實(shí)施意見(jiàn)Decisions on Implemention of Measures to Stablize Employment by Offsetting the Impact of Covid-19

17.《攜手抗疫共克時(shí)艱Working Together to Defeat the Covid-19 Outbreak

18.《關(guān)于進(jìn)一步做好重點(diǎn)場(chǎng)所重點(diǎn)單位重點(diǎn)人群新冠肺炎疫情防控相關(guān)工作的通知Notice on Prevention and Control Measures for Key Localtions, Organizations and Population Groups

19.《新冠病毒無(wú)癥狀感染者管理規(guī)范Regulations on Management of Asymptomatic Virus Carriers

20.《關(guān)于在有效防控疫情的同時(shí)積極有序推進(jìn)復(fù)工復(fù)產(chǎn)的指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn)Guidelines on Resumption of Work While Preventing and Controlling Covid-19

21.《全國(guó)不同風(fēng)險(xiǎn)地區(qū)企事業(yè)單位復(fù)工復(fù)產(chǎn)疫情防控措施指南Guidelines on Covid-19 Prevention and Control for Localities at Different Risk Levels to Resume Work

22.《關(guān)于武漢市新冠肺炎確診病例數(shù)確診病例死亡數(shù)訂正情況的通報(bào)Briefing on Modifying the Figures of Confirmed Covid-19 Cases and Fatalities in Wuhan

23.《關(guān)于做好新冠肺炎疫情常態(tài)化防控工作的指導(dǎo)意見(jiàn)Guidelines on Conducting Covid-19 Prevention and Control on an Ongoing Basis

24.《團(tuán)結(jié)合作戰(zhàn)勝疫情共同構(gòu)建人類衛(wèi)生健康共同體Fighting Covid-19 Through Solidarity and Cooperation & Building a Global Community of Health for All

25.新冠肺炎出院患者主要功能障礙康復(fù)治療方案rehabilitation treatment program for Covid-19 patients discharged from hospitals


1.重大突發(fā)公共衛(wèi)生事件、二、三級(jí)響應(yīng)Level 1/2/3 public health emergency response

2./乙兩類傳染病 Class A/B/C infectious diseases

3.病因?qū)W和流行病學(xué)調(diào)査 etiological and epidemiological investigation results

4.病原鑒定 pathogen identification

5.呼吸道病原 respiratory pathogens

6.免疫學(xué)檢測(cè) immunological test

7.新型冠狀病毒毒株novel coronavirus strain

8.聚集性肺炎病例 cluster of pneumonia cases

9.聚合酶鏈?zhǔn)椒磻?yīng) Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)

10.治療轉(zhuǎn)歸 clinical outcome

11.高流吸氧 High-flow nasal cannula oxygen therapy

12.無(wú)創(chuàng)和有創(chuàng)機(jī)械通氣 non-invasive ventilation and invasive mechanical ventilation

13.俯臥位通氣 ventilation in the prone position

14.點(diǎn)干預(yù) multi-target intervention treatment

15.金花清感顆粒 jinhuaQinggan Granules

16.連花清疽膠襄/顆粒 Lianhua Qingwen Capsules/Granules

17.血必凈注射液 Xuebijing Injection

18.清肺排毒湯 Lung Cleansing & Detoxifying Preparation

19.化濕敗毒方 Dampness Resolving and Detoxifying Preparation

20.宣肺敗毒方 Lung Diffusing and Detoxifying Preparation

21.滅活疫苗 inactivated vaccines

22.重組蛋白疫苗 recombinant protein vaccines

23.減毒流感病毒載體疫苗 live attenuated influenza vaccine

24.腺病毒載體疫苗adenovirus vaccine

25.核酸疫苗 nucleic acid-based vaccines

26.托珠單抗 tocilizumab

27.新型冠狀病毒核酸檢測(cè)引物探針序列信息specific primers and probes for detecting the novel coronavirus

28.新型冠狀病毒全基因組序列信息 the whole genome sequences of the novel coronavirus

29.體外研究和機(jī)制研究 in vitro experiments and pathogenic research

30.心電監(jiān)護(hù)儀 electrocardiogram monitors

31.紅細(xì)胞4.5萬(wàn)單位 45,000 units of red blood cells

32.臨床血液供應(yīng) clinical blood services/supply

33.血小板 1762個(gè)治療 1,762 therapeutic doses of platelets

34.新鮮冰凍血漿 fresh frozen plasma (FFP)


36.防護(hù)用品 personal protective equipment (PPE)

37.消殺物資/用品 disinfectant/disinfection products

38.醫(yī)用手套 medical gloves

39.檢疫傳染病 quarantinable infectious disease

40.醫(yī)用N95口罩 medical N95 masks

41.醫(yī)用非N95 口罩 medical non-N95 masks

42.呼吸道傳染病 infectious respiratory disease

43.變異分析 variation analysis

44.社區(qū)傳播和聚集性傳播案例community spread and clusters of cases

45.檢測(cè)試劑 test reagent

46.紅外線測(cè)溫儀 infrared thermometer

(四) 會(huì)議、平臺(tái)名稱

1.全國(guó)衛(wèi)生健康工作會(huì)議National Health Conference

2.二十國(guó)集團(tuán)領(lǐng)導(dǎo)人特別峰會(huì) G20 Extraordinary Leaders’ Summit on Covid-19

3.73屆世界衛(wèi)生大會(huì) the 73rd World Health Assembly

4.亞太經(jīng)合組織衛(wèi)生工作組會(huì)議meeting of the APEC health working group

5.統(tǒng)籌推進(jìn)新冠肺炎疫情防控和經(jīng)濟(jì)社會(huì)發(fā)展工作coordinate epidemic control with economic and social development

6.決戰(zhàn)決勝脫貧攻堅(jiān)座談會(huì) a symposium on securing a decisive victory in poverty alleviation

7.黨外人士座談會(huì) a meeting with prominent non-CPC figures

8.新冠肺炎防治中國(guó)經(jīng)驗(yàn)國(guó)際通報(bào)會(huì)an international briefing via video link on China’s experience in Covid-19 control

9.愛(ài)國(guó)衛(wèi)生運(yùn)動(dòng) Patriotic Public Health Campaign

10.暫緩最貧困國(guó)家債務(wù)償付倡議簡(jiǎn)稱二十國(guó)集團(tuán)緩債倡議Debt Service Suspension Initiative for the poorest countries

11.全球疫情會(huì)診室CGTN節(jié)目名稱)Covid-19 Frontline

12.全球抗疫中國(guó)方案(中國(guó)曰報(bào)主題頁(yè)面Fighting Covid-19 the Chinese Way

13.中醫(yī)藥抗疫全球直播世界中醫(yī)藥學(xué)會(huì)舉辦的活動(dòng)Expert Dialogue on Covid-19 Prevention and Control with Traditional Chinese Medicine

14.“國(guó)際抗疫專家大講堂世界針灸學(xué)會(huì)聯(lián)合會(huì)舉辦的活動(dòng)International lectures on Covid-19

15.團(tuán)結(jié)應(yīng)對(duì)基金WHO’s) Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund

16.全球合作加速開(kāi)發(fā)、生產(chǎn)、公平獲取新冠肺炎防控新工具倡議 “Access to Covid-19 Tools Accelerator” ACT) initiative, aiming to speed up the developmentproduction and equitable distribution of new tools

17.全球流感共享數(shù)據(jù)庫(kù)G1SAID ) Global Initiative on Sharing All Influenza Data (GISAID)

18.2019新型冠狀病毒信息庫(kù) 2019 Novel Coronavirus Resource database (2019nCoVR)

19.國(guó)家病原微生物資源庫(kù) National Pathogen Resources Collection Center

20.新型冠狀病毒國(guó)家科技資源服務(wù)系統(tǒng)Novel Coronavirus National Science and Technology Resource Service System

