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http://www.salvatorreyazzieart.com/ 2013-10-11 14:47 上海翻譯公司
China’s Interest Rate Liberalization: Bumpy Road Ahead
The People’s Bank of China, with the approval of the State Council, has made a decision, which takes effect from July 20, 2013, to remove controls on lending rates applied to financial institutions by scrapping the floor on lending rates previously set at 70 percent of the benchmark rate. However, the floor on housing mortgage rates remains unchanged at 70 percent of the benchmark level.
The benefits to be gained from lifting the floor on lending rates are twofold. First, the move is a step necessary for China’s interest rate liberalization which contributes to the creation of a competitive environment where banks will grow into real market players, thereby streamlining their balance sheets while ensuring that their money is directed to where it should be. Second, the move allows enterprises in all sectors to increase dramatically their chances of reducing financing costs except for those operating in the housing market sector, thus broadening financing channels for the real economy.
However, there are still literally enormous hurdles to the liberalization of interest rates and ultimately to the goal of gaining benefits for the real economy even with the removal of the floor on lending rates. Although a fast and direct way of liberalizing China’s interest rate regime is to lift the ceiling on deposit rates once and for all, such a step remains to be taken. In an environment where there is a lack of full competition, big banks will not, due to their sufficient available funds and relatively low costs of acquiring them, voluntarily engage in competition by reducing their profit margins following the introduction of the new policy. Meanwhile, it is even less likely that the micro, small and medium-sized banks will apply the new policy given the higher costs of inter-bank borrowing. Therefore, there seems to be an accepted norm across China’s banking sector that will determine the banks’ willingness to set lending rates above the benchmark level.
From another perspective, it is evident that only those large and powerful enterprises in the real economy will have access to the benefits derived from the removal of the floor on lending rates. Therefore, banks need to be quickly transformed into highly independent competitive entities, or otherwise they will continue to invite administrative interference and rent-seeking activities. Under such circumstances, the implementation of the new policy is most likely to bring tangible benefits only to those enterprises in positions of power and authority, or to those well-connected enterprises, further exacerbating the misallocation of capital.
Obviously, massive profits can hardly accrue merely from the removal of the floor on lending rates. This is not so much about a crucial step towards the success of the reform as it is about building up a momentum towards it. Tangible benefits can be fully generated out of the reform, but only when the ceiling on deposit rates is lifted, coupled with other follow-up measures being taken in a timely manner.
In terms of the fundamental nature of bank financing, whose two principal functions are to provide financial services to the real economy and anchor inflation expectations, the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which represent part of the real economy, will find it hard to obtain reasonably sufficient financial assistance even with the liberalization of China’s interest rate regime. The reason behind is that, from a market perspective, the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises will always pale in comparison to the large ones over the status of their credit rating. Market oriented banks are likely to shift their lending funds into the large enterprises and away from the micro, small and medium-sized ones.
Let Chinese banks be real banks and their chiefs be real bankers. This requires not only the banks’ internal reforms, but also deeper and tougher fiscal reforms and other initiatives needed as an external driving force. For example, if fiscal and tax policies, and local charging policies can be titled in favor of the micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, which contribute most to GDP and employment, it can be surely presumed that credit ratings of these enterprises will end up being upgraded. As a consequence, banks, with their enthusiasm for lending being aroused, will deliver financial services to the real economy a promise which is hard to keep now, and will be fulfilled in the future.
Seem from this perspective, lifting the floor on lending rates is just a signal indicating the extent to which reforms of the financial, fiscal and tax systems can be undertaken, and the degree to which these reforms need to be matched with appropriate supporting measures. In any event, the road ahead is filled with twists and turns calling for more reforms to be announced in the future.
