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http://www.salvatorreyazzieart.com 2013-08-19 16:26 上海翻譯公司
The theme of the current annual conference, namely,” Asia Seeking development for All: Restructuring, Responsibility and Cooperation” is a highly relevant one, I hope you will engage in an in-depth discussion on promoting developn1ent in Asia and beyond and thus contouring,、with your vision and commitment, to peace, stability and property in Asia and the world at large.
In the past 12 years since its birth. the Boao Forum for Asia has become an important forum with growing global influence, In the Chinese culture,12 years form a zodiac cycle, In this sense. The Boao Forum has reached a new starting point and I hope it will scale an even greater height.
Over the years, many countries and regions have developed a lot of good practices in maintaining stability and promoting growth. We should continue such practices. However, nothing in the world remains constant, and as a Chinese saying goes, a wise man changes as time and event change. We should abandon the outdated mindset, break away from the old confines that fetter development and unleash all the potential for development.
Countries, whether big or small, strong or weak, rich or poor, should all contribute their share to maintaining and enhancing peace. Rather than undercutting each other’s efforts, countries should complement each other and work for joint progress. The international community should advocate the vision of comprehensive security, common security and cooperative security so as to turn our global village into a big stage for common development, rather than an arena where gladiators fight each other. and on one should be allowed to throw a region and even the whole world into chaos for selfish gains.
As we often say in china, a single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom bring spring to the garden. All countries in the world are closely linked and share converging interests. they should both pool and share their strengths. while pursuing its own interests, a country should accommodate the legitimate concerns of others. In promote the common development of all and expand common interests among them.
Asia needs to transform and upgrade its development model in keeping with the trend of the times. Sustaining development is still of paramount importance to Asia, because only development holds the key to solving major problems and difficulties it faces. It is important that we should shift the growth model, adjust the economic structure, make development more cost effective and make life better for our people.
We need to make concerted efforts to resolve major difficulties to ensure stability in Asia. Stability in Asia now faces new challenges, as hotspot issues keep emerging, and both traditional and non-traditional security mutual trust and work together to ensure durable peace and stability in our region.
Working side by side with the rest of the world in time of difficulty to tackle the interactional financial crisis, Asia has emerged as an important engine driving world economic recovery and growth in recent years, Asia has contributed to over 50% of global growth, instilling much needed confidence in the world, what is more, Asia’s cooperation with other regions of the world at regional and sub-regional levels has great vitality and promising prospects.
We need to build on past success and make new progress in promoting cooperation in Asia. there are many mechanisms and initiatives for enhancing cooperation are being explored by various parties. What we need to do is to enhance mutual understanding, build consensual, and enrich and deepen cooperation so as to strike a balance among the interest of various parties and build mechanisms that bring benefits to all.
Knowing too well the agonizing sufferings inflicted by war and turbulence, the Chinese people deeply cherish peace. China will continue to develop itself by securing a peaceful international environment and, at the same time, uphold and promote world peace through its own development.
China will increase connectivity with its neighbors, actively explore the building of a regional financing platform, advance economic integration within the region and thus increase competitiveness. China will take an active part in Asia’s regional cooperation process and promote regional and sub-regional cooperation with non-Asian regions and countries, china will continue to champion and promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, step up bilateral investment with other countries and boost cooperation in new priority areas.
Promoting good neighborliness is a time-honored tradition of china. To enhance peaceful development and win-win cooperation in Asia and the world is a race that has one starting point after another and knows no finishing line.
The ocean is vast because it admits hundreds of rivers. We should respect the right of a country to indecently choose its social system and development path, remove distrust and misgivings and turn the diversity of our world and difference among countries into dynamism and driving force for development. we should keep an open mind, draw upon development practices of other continents, share development resources and promote regional cooperation.
As a Chinese saying goes, neighbors wish each other well, just as loved ones do to each china will continue to promote friendship and partnership with its neighbors, consolidate friendly ties and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation with them and ensure that its development will bring even greater benefits to its neighbors.
China will vigorously promote development and prosperity in both Asia and the world. Since the beginning of the new century, china’s trade with its neighbors has grown from 100 billion U.S. dollars and more to 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars, china gas become the largest trading partner, the biggest export market and a major source of investment of many of these countries. china’s interests have never been so closely connected with those of the rest of Asia and the world in both scope and depth. Gong forward, china will maintain robust growth momentum. its domestic demand, particularly consumption-driven demand, will continue to grow, and its outbound investment will increase substantially.
