

首頁 » 翻譯詞匯 » 社區(qū)福利翻譯詞匯
benefit 津貼
bereavement 親人喪失
broken home 家庭破裂
child abuse 虐待兒童
counseling and guidance 輔導和指導
custody 監(jiān)護
de facto 同居
desertion 拋棄
divorce 離婚
domestic argument 家庭爭吵
emergency help緊急援助
entitled to ,to be 有權利的
family crisis 家庭危機
Family allowance/family allowance supplement 家庭補貼
financial assistance 經(jīng)濟援助
department of social security(DSS)社會福利部(現(xiàn)名為center link)
unemployment benefit 失業(yè)津貼
welfare agency 福利機構(gòu)
emergency help 緊急援助
invalid pension 殘疾津貼
access to children 探視兒童權
adolescent 青春期的,青春期
age pension 養(yǎng)老金
allowance 津貼,補助
behavior problems 行為問題
foster care 撫養(yǎng),養(yǎng)育
field officer 現(xiàn)場工作人員
fringe benefits 工資外補貼
fully dependent 完全受贍養(yǎng)的
hardship 困苦,苦難
home visit 家訪
incest 亂倫
institutionalized 把。。送專門機構(gòu)拘留
juvenile court 青少年法庭
juvenile crime 青少年犯罪
juvenile offenders 青少年罪犯
mental breakdown 精神崩潰
mail redirection concession 郵址更改補貼
maintenance 維持,贍養(yǎng),撫養(yǎng)
means test 收入測試
neglected children 被忽略的兒童
nursing home 護理院
old age 老年
orphan 孤兒
pension 撫恤,養(yǎng)老
permanent disability 終生殘疾
permanent blind 終身失明
pharmaceutical allowance 藥物補貼
refuge 避難所
relinquishing mother 放棄責任的母親
restraining order 限制令
retirement village/home退休村,養(yǎng)老院
referral 提交,轉(zhuǎn)借
separation 分居
single mother/father 單身父母親
social background report 社會背景報告
sickness benefit 生病津貼
sole parent pension 單親補貼
special benefit 特殊補貼
supplementary assistance(rent allowance)租房補貼
unemployment benefit 失業(yè)津貼
unmarried mother 未婚媽媽
wife bashing 毆打妻子
war pension 戰(zhàn)爭津貼
widow’s pension 孀婦津貼
orphan’s pension 孤兒津貼
supporting parent’s benefit 撫育孩子補貼
concession for pension 撫恤金優(yōu)惠
rebate on property rates 房地產(chǎn)稅回扣
sole parent 單親
review officer 復審員
tax group certificate 年收入證明
mail redirection 郵址更改
physiotherapist 理療師
tax assessment notice 稅務評估通知
senior citizens club 老年人俱樂部
counseling services 輔導服務
eligible for 合格
widower 鰥夫
ward of state 州行政區(qū),州選舉區(qū)
bias 偏見
sheltered employment allowance 殘疾人就業(yè)津貼
next-of-kin 最近的親族
referral 介紹信
administrative appeal tribunal行政上訴仲裁庭
dependant’s allowance 受贍養(yǎng)者津貼
family allowance 家庭津貼
mother’s /guardian’s allowance 母親/監(jiān)護人 津貼
handicapped child’s allowance 殘疾兒童津貼
rehabilitation allowance 康復津貼
sheltered workshop allowance 殘疾人士的工作津貼
supplementary assistance 助補貼
claim form 申請表
eligibility 合格
appeal 上訴
income statement 收入報告單
residential status 居民身份
health care card 保健卡
home help service 家庭援助服務
telephone rental reduction 電話月租回扣
free pharmaceuticals 免費藥物
domiciliary nursing care benefit 住家護理照顧補貼
low income earners 低收入者
socially disadvantaged 社會地位低下的
income level 收入水平
de facto relationship 同居關系
social welfare officer 社會福利工作者
subsidised housing 住房津貼
disabled 殘疾的
standard of living 生活水平
cost of living 生活費用
taxable income 該征稅的收入
worker’s compensation 工傷賠償
entitlement 權利
financial hardship 經(jīng)濟困難
maintenance payment 撫養(yǎng)費
help reference page 援助參考頁
funeral benefit 喪葬津貼
child care centre 托兒所
drop-in centre 收留中心
aged people’s home 老人之家
childing minding service 兒童照顧服務
marriage guidance counselor 婚姻輔導顧問
domestic violence 家庭暴力
dependent wife 受贍養(yǎng)的妻子
claim 申請
